Veer(le)kracht Bracelets
When the idea of Veer(le)kracht was born, Veerle's cousins didn't hesitate for a second: they wanted to help! To raise money for Veer(le)kracht, they made trendy, hand-knotted bracelets with a pendant in the shape of a feather. Completely in Veer(le)kracht style!
With such a beautiful bracelet you carry "Veer(le)kracht" (the resilience of Veerle!) with you every moment. Would you also like to wear such a trendy bracelet and support our mission at the same time? The Veer(le)kracht Bracelets are for sale for EUR 7.50 each (all proceeds will go to the the goal!).
They are available in red, pink, light blue, cobalt blue, purple, green, white, black and brown with a choice of gold, silver or bronze feather. Ordering is easy. Just follow these steps:
- Send a Whatsapp message to +31629338795 with (i) name and address (ii) the number of bracelets you want to order and (iii) the desired color of the bracelets and feathers;
Note: This number cannot be called.
- Pay for the bracelets via the payment request that you receive from us;
After receipt of payment, the order will come to you as soon as possible!