

Contact details

Stichting Veer(le)kracht (registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce 86118811 / RSIN 863867546) has its registered office in Oisterwijk. Our contact details are:

Stichting Veer(le)kracht
Burgemeester Adamslaan 1
5056AJ Berkel-Enschot


Objective - Goal

The statutory objective of the Veer(le)kracht Foundation is to acquire resources to finance and support innovative research into the tumor Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) in children and to make the lives of those children with a DMG (or any other form of cancer), and their loved ones, as bearable as possible (including any activities connected therewith). Click here for more information about the mission of the Veer(le)kracht Foundation.

Policy Plan

The Veer(le)kracht Foundation has a policy plan. In broad terms, this policy plan contains an explanation of the objective of the Veer(le)kracht Foundation, the medical background of the objective, the activities of the foundation, the management and allocation of the foundation's assets, and the governance model of the foundation. You can download the full policy plan (in Dutch) here.


The board of the Veer(le)kracht Foundation currently consists of the following three people:

Yvo Kortmann (chairman)
Jellienke Stamhuis (treasurer)
Inge von Burg (secretary)

Board members of the Veer(le)kracht Foundation do not receive any remuneration for their work.


The assets of the foundation will comprise of: donations, subsidies, sponsor contributions, gifts, bequests, legacies and other acquisitions and benefits. Various activities will be started by the Veer(le)kracht Foundation, all of which aim to raise financial resources aiding the statutory objectives of the foundation. The activities will be disclosed as much as possible via the website.

Financial disclosure

The Veer(le)kracht Foundation aims for the common good and has a non-profit motive. No distributions are made to the founder(s) or to those who are members of bodies of the foundation. All resources that are raised by the Veer(le)kracht Foundation will be paid out towards the purpose. Only a small portion of working capital will be held in the foundation. The income and expenses will be kept under the responsibility of the treasurer and will be disclosed on the website as much as possible. The balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure will be prepared annually.

Het Standaardformulier Publicatieplicht, inclusief de balans per 31-12-2022, zijn hier te vinden. 

Het jaarverslag over 2022 is hier te vinden.

Het jaarverslag over 2023 is hier te vinden.


The Veer(le)kracht Foundation has received a status as a Public Benefit Organization from the Dutch Tax Authorities (under Dutch law: "ANBI").

An ANBI-status provides a number of advantages for you as a donor and for us as a foundation. On the website of the Dutch Tax Authorities you can read which conditions an ANBI must meet, which (tax) benefits an ANBI has, and under which circumstances gifts to an ANBI are deductible. If necessary, you can obtain further advice from a tax adviser.
